universal shredders

JBF Universal Shredders

Brochure JBF Universal Shredding Machines

 Universal Shredding Systems JBF 28/35, 35/35, 38/50

  • JBF Universal Shredder 38/50

    JBF Universal Shredder 38/50

  • JBF Universal Shredder 28/35


    JBF Universal Shredder 28/35

  • Bildtitel

    JBF Universal shredder complete system

  • Bildtitel

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For shredding: CD/DVDs, keyboards, carbon tapes, paper, cardboard, file folders filled with metal and plastic cans, PET bottles, wood, fruit crates, pallets, household waste, metal and plastic shavings, car / truck tyres, glass, industrial waste, cables and electronic scrap, plastic casings
Product details JBF 28/35, 35/35, 38/50 Product video JBF 28/35, 35/35, 38/50

 Large Universal Shredders JBF 120/90, 150/120

For shredding: CD/DVDs, computer keyboards, complete computers, carbon strips, paper, cardboard, file folders filled with metal and plastic cans, PET bottles, foil, wood, fruit crates, pallets, household waste, industrial waste, metal and plastic chips, car / truck tires, glass, clothing, cables and electronic scrap, plastic housing, car parts, 200 l steel drums
Product details Large universal shredders Product video Large universal shredders
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